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the olde country store

North Cohocton, NY

July 14, 2018

Investigators on site: Jennifer, Amy and Tim along with Denise and Jenny as observers/participants


This investigation was a unique one for us all. We decided to try some dowsing rods, to experiment with something new.

The results were not at all expected. We were all very skeptical about using the dowsing rods, and we did not truly expect anything substantial. We REALLY underestimated this tool.

These worked so phenomenally that this was the only tool we used the entire night. We just kept the conversation going. We did have some audio recording as well.

Here are some of the results of our dowsing rod intense session. (We have a full transcript that we gave the clients, however, there were a lot of personal details shared, so this will be summed up to hit the main points, but to adhere to our level of confidentiality.

We were speaking to a couple of children spirits for much of the evening. They used to frequent the place and they enjoyed the activities that were held upstairs and of course, the candy.

There are still plays and shows going on upstairs and they enjoy them now in the present day.

Both Jennifer and Amy were picking up on an energy in the stairwell, plus Tim and Denise were seeing movement in that area also. Turns out it was a previous owner and he stepped forward and spoke with us for a bit. He is pleased with how everything is running now, and he feels like he still owns it. Mostly everything is set up the same as when he was running the store.

There was a man downstairs in the basement shoveling coal, he could see us but was choosing to ignore our presence. This made us once again question how we are perceived to spirits….do we appear ghostly as well?

There were more than 20 spirits around us this evening, and it was stated that they all knew all of us, and they knew our intentions and that they enjoy communicating.



Loud Rolling or Dragging sound

This was obtained in the upstairs performance area. We checked all other audio recorders, and there is no logical explanation for this. We never heard this at the time either.

Ok Then

The children expressed to us that they stay upstairs. They came down with us when we asked them to, so we made sure we walked them back up at the end of the night. This is what we believe to be the child spirit "E" saying 'ok, then'.


Never Judge a Tool

Until you Test it!